Listen, Watch, Read

Joye and Carol have a lot to share!  Here you can read their articles and watch their videoed interviews, webinars and workshops.  You can also listen to their audio talks when you are in the car or otherwise on the run.  Enjoy!

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Joye’s Conversation on “Autism Detectives” with Patricia S. Lemer

By Joye Newman

On her radio show, “Autism Detectives,” Patricia S. Lemer and Joye Newman discuss the importance of movement for every child, and a source of fun activities in A Year of Mini-Moves for the In-Sync Child.

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Joye’s Conversation with Sue Atkins, “The Parenting Expert”

By Joye Newman

(2020)  Sue Atkins, “The Parenting Expert,” interviews Joye on Sue’s Parenting Show (Episode 203) to talk about the In-Sync Child method and activities. Listen Now

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Calming Sensory Activities for Kids

By Carol Kranowitz

(June 2021) In session #130 of the Parenting ADHD & Autism Summit, Penny Williams interviews Carol about sensory tools and activities to calm kids with ADHD and/or autism. Modern brain science is proving the large role that sensory processing plays in human behavior. Not only is sensory experience the way we process our environment and […]

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Out-of-Sync to In-Sync Child: What You Should Know about Sensory Processing Disorder

By Carol Kranowitz

(November 2020) In an interview with Brigitte Shipman, BMV Life Coach and founder of the Mother’s Guide Through Autism Show, this program (Episode #41), covers Carol’s unexpected journey of becoming an SPD expert while teaching preschool, which led to her current focus on promoting In-Sync activities for all children. Listen to the interview.

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Meet Your Child Where He Is

By Joye Newman

(December 2020) In an interview with Brigitte Shipman, founder of the Mother’s Guide Through Autism Show (Episode #44), Joye discusses how integrating behavioral optometry, occupational therapy, movement, and psychology into a child’s life can help him feel more comfortable in his own body and more able to meet new challenges when he is developmentally ready. […]

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Therapro Webinar: Getting and Keeping Your Child’s Vision in Sync

By Joye Newman

(June 2024) In one of Therapro’s free seminars, Joye presents an overview of how vision develops in young children and how vision affects all learning and behavior.

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Therapro Webinar: The In-Sync Child in the 21st Century

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(May 2023) Joye and Carol present a webinar as one of Therapro’s free seminars. Based on their “In-Sync Child” publications, the hour includes an overview of sensory-, perceptual-, and visual-motor development, with an offering of several In-Sync activities that develop and enhance physical and emotional health and academic success.

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Getting To Calm While Getting In Sync

By Carol Kranowitz

(October 2021) Sponsored by the Parent Network of Western New York. In this webinar, Zoom participants brushed up on sensory processing differences while learning some fun In-Sync activities that restore calm and also enhance sensory, perceptual, and visual motor skills. Sign in to watch and listen here

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The In-Sync Child Method

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(May 2021)  Joye and Carol are interviewed by the team about the In-Sync Child Method and their new calendar, A Year of Mini-Moves for the In-Sync Child, with 52 weekly schedules to keep kids moving and having fun.  The interview is in English and is translated into Greek. Watch YouTube Video Now

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In-Sync Activities to Get Your Kids Moving

By Carol Kranowitz

(December 2020)  In conversation with Amanda Walker, Learning & Development Coach and Parent Educator at Whole Brain Connections, Carol offers several fun activities based on the In-Sync Child method at the online conference, “Raising Uniquely Wired Kids: Parenting with Peace, Connection and Confidence.” Watch Video Now

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The Out-of-Sync Child with Sensory Processing Disorder

By Carol Kranowitz

(December 2020)  Hosted by Ana Elisa Villalaz as part of The Global Autism Summit 2, this discussion concerns the sensory-motor cycle (sensations coming in and motor responses going out), the eight senses and their functions, the categories of SPD, and In-Sync activities to enjoy at home. Watch now

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In-Sync Activities: Movement Experiences that Last a Lifetime

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(June 2020) At The STAR Institute for Sensory Processing’s  Virtual Summit on “Sensory Processing in Autism,” Carol and Joye offer five activities based on their In-Sync Child method. This webinar is 47 minutes. Watch the online webinar

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In-Sync Activities to Get Kids Moving

By Carol Kranowitz

(December 2020) An online workshop in the “Connections” series sponsored by Growing Healthy Children Therapy Services in Rescue, California.  The talk features five activities from the In-Sync Child method webinars, with a “how-to” approach. Watch the online interview

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Sensory Motor Fun

By Carol Kranowitz

(September 2020) In her interview with Dr. Shelley James, PhD, an international expert on light and well-being at Age of Light Innovations, Carol discusses sensory challenges and suggests sensory-motor activities to lure children away from electronic devices and get them moving. Watch the online interview

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The Importance of Vision

By Joye Newman

(September 2020) In her interview with Dr. Shelley James, Age of Light Innovations, Joye discusses visual development in young children and how vision affects all learning and behavior.  By watching this parent-focused series in which 14 worldwide experts and scientists focus on how lighting may harm children’s development, you will learn how to use light […]

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Why Vision Matters: Getting and Keeping Your Child’s Vision In-Sync

By Joye Newman

(June 2021) In this interview with Sarah Wayland, PhD, of Parenting ADHD & Autism Summit, Joye explains the difference between what you see and what you do with what you see, and how difficulties in accurately processing the visual world can lead to inexplicable behavior. Watch the online webinar

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The Out-of-Sync Child with Sensory Processing Disorder

By Carol Kranowitz

(December 2020) At the Global Autism Summit 2, Ana Elisa Villalaz introduces Carol’s talk about sensory-motor processing, the eight senses and their functions, categories of SPD, and several fun In-Sync activities. Listen to the interview

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The Visual System and Autism

By Joye Newman

(November 2020) Joye’s interview with Ana Elisa Villalaz is one of two dozen talks in the Global Autism Summit 2: A comprehensive Parent Guide to create success, love, and peace for your child and family.  The video series includes tools, strategies, and free gifts for parents and teachers working with children, teens, or adults with […]

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Three Children Get “In-Sync”

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(In “The Educational Therapist,” October 2012, Vol. 33, No. 11)    This article looks at preschooler George, 1st-grader Rosie, and 6th-grader Bernie, who benefit from early intervention that focuses on developing and enhancing their developmental skills. Read abstract

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The In-Sync Homeschooler

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(In the July 2012 blog of “Home-Educating Family”)    No matter what their ages, children learn best when they move. Pediatricians, teachers, and other specialists now recognize that motor skills are vital to a child’s physical, emotional, academic and overall success.   Read the full article

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Moving Experiences that Will Last a Lifetime

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

[wpseo_breadcrumb] (In Jan/Feb 2012 issue of “Child Care Exchange: The Early Childhood Leaders’ Magazine Since 1978,” Vol. 34, Issue 1, No. 203)       How does playing in the rain help a young child develop pre-reading skills and become an In-Sync child? Read the article

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In-Sync Activities to Help Kids Cope with Being Cooped Up

By Carol Kranowitz

(A chapter in “Autism-in-Lockdown: Expert Tips and Insights on Coping with the COVID-10 Pandemic,” Future Horizons, 2020).  Being cooped up because of COVID-19 is especially hard for kids with autism and their grown-ups.  An antidote for cabin fever may be these five In-Sync, sensory-motor activities to get kids … Read the full chapter

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AAP Statement Calls Recess “Crucial” to Child’s Development, by Mari-Jane Williams

By Carol Kranowitz

(January 7, 2013, “The Washington Post”)   Children have long regarded recess as a highlight of the school day. The American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed unstructured play breaks.  Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman weigh in on how to encourage children’s outdoor play to help them get “In Sync.” Click here.

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Keeping Your Vision In Sync

By Joye Newman

(A chapter in “Autism-in-Lockdown: Expert Tips and Insights on Coping with the COVID-10 Pandemic,” Future Horizons, 2020).    A scary thing about the COVID-19 quarantine is the potential damage we do to our – and our children’s – visual systems by spending so much time indoors and on screens.  The chapter includes a brief of discussion […]

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Growing In-Sync Children

By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz

(In Oct/Nov 2012 issue, “Teaching Young Children,” Vol. 6, No. 1, National Association for the Education of Young Children)     Between birth and age 6, children learn about their world by feeling and moving their bodies through it.  The more children move, the more they will feel comfortable in their bodies and in sync with […]

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Our Awards

Award-winning publications include
A Year of Mini-Moves for the In-Sync Child and The In-Sync Child Method Webinars

Listen watch read Creative Child Magazine 2021 Product of the Year Award

Product of the Year Award

Creative Child 2021 Product of the Year in the Kid’s Motor Skill Development Products category.

Listen watch read Moms Choice Award

Mom's Choice Awards

Mom’s Choice 2021 Gold Award, honoring excellence in family-friendly media, products and services.

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