The In-Sync Child in the 21st Century
By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz
(May 2023) Joye and Carol present a webinar as one of Therapro’s free seminars. Based on their “In-Sync Child” publications, the hour includes an overview of sensory-, perceptual-, and visual-motor development, with an offering of several In-Sync activities that develop and enhance physical and emotional health and academic success.
Feedback from Webinar Participants!
"Lovely ladies. Knowledgeable, warm, organized, and steady, straightforward presenters. Great review of development, sensory and clinical presentations. Good picture of children today and all that they face. Their workshop should be part of every educator’s training!"
"The presenters were engaging and provided good information with examples and activities that will be helpful in the home and school."

Joye and Carol engaging during live webinar on May 16.
"This course was incredibly informative and thorough. It could be easily understood with a base level of knowledge, yet was still engaging and provided new insights for someone with more knowledge."
"Absolutely loved it!"
"A very informative webinar. Would love to have more with them presenting."