In-Sync Child Archives
(December 3, 2024) Joye and Carol present a webinar as one of Therapro’s free seminars. Based on their publications, they explain their simple In-Sync Child formula, which attendees and their kids can use instantly to design fun and functional activities to develop and enhance sensory, perceptual, and visual skills. More information
Read More(September 9, 2024) Carol’s one-hour interview with Strategic Parenting aired during the free, three-day ADHD parenting summit featuring 25 speakers. Topic of Day 1: Enhancing School Productivity, Attention & Focus. More information
Read MoreTherapro Webinar: In-Sync Child Activities to Help Kids Develop and Enhance Visual Processing Skills
(September 2024) In one of Therapro’s free seminars, Joye describes activities that involve movement and engage the whole body, not just the eyes. These activities improve visual function and are fun, too! Join us on September 10 at 7-8:30 pm EST
Read MoreTherapro Webinar: Getting and Keeping Your Child’s Vision in Sync By Joye Newman (June 2024) In one of Therapro’s free seminars, Joye presents an overview of how vision develops in young children and how vision affects all learning and behavior. Learn More About the Therapro Webinar
Read MoreThe In-Sync Child in the 21st Century By Joye Newman and Carol Kranowitz (May 2023) Joye and Carol present a webinar as one of Therapro’s free seminars. Based on their “In-Sync Child” publications, the hour includes an overview of sensory-, perceptual-, and visual-motor development, with an offering of several In-Sync activities that develop and enhance […]
Read More(October 2021) Sponsored by the Parent Network of Western New York. In this webinar, Zoom participants brushed up on sensory processing differences while learning some fun In-Sync activities that restore calm and also enhance sensory, perceptual, and visual motor skills. Sign in to watch and listen here
Read More(May 2021) Joye and Carol are interviewed by the team about the In-Sync Child Method and their new calendar, A Year of Mini-Moves for the In-Sync Child, with 52 weekly schedules to keep kids moving and having fun. The interview is in English and is translated into Greek. Watch YouTube Video Now
Read More(December 2020) In conversation with Amanda Walker, Learning & Development Coach and Parent Educator at Whole Brain Connections, Carol offers several fun activities based on the In-Sync Child method at the online conference, “Raising Uniquely Wired Kids: Parenting with Peace, Connection and Confidence.” Watch Video Now
Read More(December 2020) Hosted by Ana Elisa Villalaz as part of The Global Autism Summit 2, this discussion concerns the sensory-motor cycle (sensations coming in and motor responses going out), the eight senses and their functions, the categories of SPD, and In-Sync activities to enjoy at home. Watch now
Read More(June 2020) At The STAR Institute for Sensory Processing’s Virtual Summit on “Sensory Processing in Autism,” Carol and Joye offer five activities based on their In-Sync Child method. This webinar is 47 minutes. Watch the online webinar
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