About the Book
Growing an In-Sync Child
Simple, Fun Activities to Help Every Child Develop, Learn, and Grow
Carol Kranowitz, M.A., and Joye Newman, M.A.
Perigee Books, 2010
Based on the authors’ more than ninety combined years of professional success working with children of all abilities, this book provides parents, teachers, and other professionals the tools to give every child a head start and a leg up.
Sensory-motor, perceptual-motor, and visual skills lay the foundation for early motor development. Because early motor development is one of the most important factors in a child’s physical, emotional, academic, and overall success, the “In-Sync Program” of 60 adaptable, easy and fun activities will enhance your child’s development, in just minutes a day.
Discover how simple movements such as skipping, rolling, balancing, and jumping can make a world of difference for your child—a difference that will last a lifetime.
Praise for Growing an in-sync child
“The newspaper tearing, scrunching and throwing activity saved us all tonight, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
— Michelle Abfalter How, on Facebook

“A great deal of experience has convinced Kranowitz and Newman — and it will surely convince you – that the little steps a child takes in his early years will be the foundation he’ll need for the rest of his life. Your child will be a little less stressed and a little more blessed if you keep this book at hand.”
— Marguerite Kelly, parenting columnist, The Washington Post

“These seemingly light-hearted games and the authors’ easy style belie their profound importance.”
— Jane M. Healy, PhD, author, Your Child’s Growing Mind and Different Learners

“Congratulations to my long-time friends on this great book. Carol and Joye are a super team. Both have decades of experience with young children combining movement, music, and fun! In today’s world, where SO many activities are considered “dangerous” they show us how to assure that kids’ bodies get the motor experiences they need to be prepared for school. I love the way the book is organized (no surprise with this pair!). It’s really easy to find an activity you want to try for any child, any age or need. A great expansion to the “out-of-sync” series. Run out and get this gem for any new parent or teacher. “
— Patricia Lemer, Executive Director, Developmental Delay Resources

"Excellent book! “Growing an In-Sync Child” provides your child/children with multiple activities associated with learning, developing sensory-motor, perceptual-motor, and visual skills; a key for overall success needed throughout their life, an excellent encore to The Out-of-Sync Child. Many different approaches are provided in this 219-page book with simple, fun activities designed for every child…."
— Karen Miarecki, Norfolk County Special Needs Kids Examiner

"First let me say this book is for every child. It explores the importance of early motor skills and how it affects a child's physical, emotional, academic, and overall success. It includes the In-Sync Program of sixty activities that are fun and are made to enhance a child's development in just minutes a day…" READ MORE
— Milena, mother of 2 boys

“Growing an In-Sync Child” by Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman is an outstanding book for raising a well-rounded child with sensory-rich experiences. Carol, the author of The Out-of-Sync Child, has proven herself yet again in understanding and helping children with special sensory needs, as evident in this book. Joye, the founder and director of Kids Moving Company, offers relatable real-life examples of childhood development and its strong relationship to movement. The two have teamed up to present this easy to read and simple-to-implement book…" READ MORE
— Sunity Murty, M.S., OTR/L

"In a hurry-up world in which doing more and doing it faster is often the goal for children no matter how old they are, authors Carol Kranowitz and Joye Newman are spreading a different message: Slow down…" READ MORE
— Mari-Jane Williams, Washington Post Staff Writer

"This book is filled with practical activities and fun games to play that will target your child’s specific needs. The authors clearly define what an in-sync child looks like and if your child is a bit behind, how to help him/her catch up. The book is filled with practical activities and fun games to play that will target your child’s specific needs. In my opinion, the perfect alternative to another video game for the family…" READ MORE
— Michelle Ainslie

"I have three children, boys to be exact, and my kids are all physically developed and very active in outdoor fun and sports. I was curious to read this book and see if the book could be applied to my family. I found that my kids are doing many of the things in the book, but it helped me to better understand how using movement and activities can actually help my kids grow. I am especially interested in the information for my son who has some spatial planning difficulties and other minor areas where he is a bit behind…"
— Kristin Pierce Fitch

"Jumping in puddles, balancing on a curb — activities like these do the important work of teaching kids to process messages from their bodies, says educator Carol Kranowitz and perceptual-motor therapist Joye Newman. Their newest book, Growing an In-Sync Child, offers other easy exercises…"
— Parenting.com

"Working with an author like Carol Kranowitz – whose book has been translated into a dozen languages and has touched countless special-needs parents, educators, therapists, and of course kids – is truly a privilege and a learning experience. Now, twelve years after The Out-of-Sync Child was first published, I have the added privilege of working with Carol and her talented new co-author, perceptual-motor therapist Joye Newman, on a book that, we all hope, will touch an even wider audience."
— Marian Lizzi, editor, A Feast for All Senses

"Because sedentary activities can be a problem, the authors’ In-Sync Child program requires children to get up and move. The activities are organized into beginner (skills of a typical preschooler), intermediate and advanced. There are also “menus” of things to do when your child is out of sorts, at the grocery, getting ready to do homework, instead of going to the playground or video games, just because, before bed and for those interested in music." READ MORE
— Amy Phelps, Mid-Ohio Valley Parent Magazine: Your Partner in Parenting